David is a 10-year old boy who lives in a village in Honduras. He was born with spina bifida and has spent each day sitting on the porch of his family’s home, watching the other children going to school and playing in the street. There aren’t any paved streets or sidewalks, or even hardened walkways from the houses to the street. As pictured here, David had never attended school and could only watch from afar as people walked by his home.
A mission group to Honduras from San Antonio heard about David and had several PETs with them during a recent mission trip in his area. They fitted him to a PET and immediately David began
cranking the handle of his new wheelchair. He was able to get out into the street where he was joined by a group of children. David has now been to a medical clinic in a neighboring village, attends all village events under his own power, and travels about one mile to attend religious education classes. David is looking forward to starting school soon.