Spreading the word about Mobility Worldwide is crucial in helping us reach more individuals in need of mobility and independence. By talking with others about the life-changing impact of giving the gift of mobility, you can inspire more people to join our cause. Sharing our website is an easy way to raise awareness, recruit volunteers, and encourage donations. The more people who learn about our mission, the more lives we can transform—together, we can make a world of difference for those who need it most.
You can donate on-line by clicking on this link. It is easy to give a one time gift of set up recurring offerings to help those in need.
You can mail a donation to:
Mobility Worldwide-TX-San Antonio
P.O. Box 701172
San Antonio, TX 78270
Honor your loved ones while helping to provide another person with mobility. Two gifts in one, a Gift from the Heart celebrates a special occasion, in honor of, or in memory of while supporting the work of Mobility Worldwide. A note will be sent to the person being honored. Click here to give a Gift from the Heart. Please include the honoree’s information so we are able to properly acknowledge your gift from the heart.
When estate planning, consider making Mobility Worldwide a part of those plans. The GIFT OF MOBILITY is an ongoing mission with millions around the world awaiting our help.
Tom Martin
P.O. Box 701172
San Antonio, TX 78270